Custom Hats and Caps - The Ultimate Social Proof

Custom embroidery in multiple colors on a meshback richardson 112 hat in 3 different locations

Humans are naturally and intrinsically social beings. I mean look at the world today; we are forever sharing, posting, liking, tweeting, snapping, and chatting through our variety of social avenues. Go to any networking event and you see people interacting, laughing, and, yes, being social. In business there is nothing more powerful than believing that someone uses you or your service and LIKES it!

Custom embroidery done on a Carhartt Ashland hat in chattanooga tn

One issue with advertising, however, is that ultimately you know someone bought the space that they are occupying. Facebook didn’t share your ad because they love your product or service, they share it because youre paying them to. XYZ Billboard company is sharing your artwork to the thousands of passers by because you gave them the green, and they’re happy to share your brand.

This brings us to WHY Promotional products and Ad Specialty items, hats specifically, are SO powerful. There are different levels obviously, but all in all, when you compare these items to other forms of advertising (Radio, Billboard, Social Media), the SOCIAL proof of Promo Products is above and beyond.

Lets take a look at hats. Everyone, or most everyone owns a hat. I myself (Joey) own around 15 hats. For me a hat has to have a couple check points. 1) It has to fit my head perfectly. Those that know me know i have a big head, and not all hats fit me great. If i dont immediately like the fit of the hat, i wont wear it. 2) This however is where most of the population comes in, we only buy hats that we LOVE. We arent going to buy a hat if we dont love what’s on it. When we a buy a hat with a brand on it we are giving our social proof that we approve of and like that brand.

Custom embroidery done in multiple colors on a full black mesh back richardson 112 hat in chattanooga tn
Custom embroidery done in multiple colors on a black beanie

As a company we cant buy that spot on our customers head. We have to go out, and we have to earn it. THAT is really what make custom embroidered hats an exceptional brand building items in a way where you arent just gaining exposure, or views, or likes, but also to get a DEEP endorsement, and social PROOF at scale. The average $10 promotional hat gets an average 3,350 impressions over 10 months of use, just under 3/10ths of a penny per impression. Average on SMedia is around 7/10th’s of a penny (double), and the actual value of the SMedia post is lower because of the social proof we just talked about.

Do yourself and your company a favor and use promotional products, more specifically hats and headwear, whenever you can to build your business and your brand awareness.

Joey Callahan