Little Johnny and the Valentines Day Card

little johnny and the valentines day card

Little Johnny was a quiet, introverted boy who had trouble making friends at school. He often felt left out and excluded from the other kids who seemed to have a natural talent for socializing. But all of that changed when Valentine's Day came around.

On the morning of February 14th, Little Johnny walked into his classroom and was greeted by a sea of pink and red decorations. Everywhere he looked, he saw hearts, cupid, and all sorts of Valentine's Day paraphernalia. Despite feeling a little overwhelmed by it all, Little Johnny was secretly excited. He had never received a Valentine's Day card before, but he had made a few for his classmates in the hope that he might get one in return.

As the day progressed, Little Johnny became increasingly anxious. None of his classmates had given him a card yet, and he was starting to feel like he was the only one who hadn't received anything. The lunch bell rang, and Little Johnny slumped his way to the cafeteria, feeling dejected.

It wasn't until he returned to his classroom that he saw it: a small, plain white envelope sitting on his desk with his name printed on the front. He picked it up and examined it closely. It didn't have who it was from on it, but he could feel his heart racing with anticipation. With trembling hands, he opened the envelope and pulled out a card.

It was a simple card, with a red heart on the front inside of a black heart, and a short message written in bold letters on the inside: "You're the best!" But to Little Johnny, it meant everything. For the first time in his life, someone had taken the time to acknowledge him and make him feel special. He read the message over and over, feeling a warmth spreading through his chest.

That little Valentine's Day card changed everything for Little Johnny. It gave him the confidence to start reaching out to his classmates, and before he knew it, he had made a few new friends. He even started to participate in class more and take on leadership roles, all because he finally felt like he belonged.

Years later, when Little Johnny was all grown up, he still had that Valentine's Day card. It was a reminder of a time when a simple gesture of kindness had changed his life forever. He kept it tucked away in a special box, and every once in a while, he would take it out and read the message again, smiling to himself as he remembered how it all started with a little card.

Joey Callahan